Children and family

Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14)

We believe it is essential that children get a good start in life by encountering God in a relaxed atmosphere.

We have a children’s corner at the back of All Saints in Cologne for our younger members. You will find a supply of games, books, toys and crayons there. On the first Sunday each month there are special activities for the children.

If you would like more information or to be involved, please contact:


or a member of the clergy.

"We stay in church for the start of the service, then we go outside in the fine weather, or to the meeting room in the basement where we read the Bible, discuss what we have read, hear stories, make crafts and say prayers together.  We then return to the congregation in time to share the Peace and the Eucharist and share our discussions, crafts and prayers with everyone in church.  We feel very welcome in church and everyone is always very interested in what we have been doing that week."

by Grace (11), Alexander (10) and Christopher (8)


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